Feb 19, 2025
2022-2023 Undergraduate Catalog [ARCHIVED CATALOG]
Core Curriculum
General requirements for all degrees are met by taking ENG 101 , ENG 102 , and at least three hours (some degrees may require six hours) of a sophomore literature course with an ENG prefix. First-trimester freshmen and first-trimester transfer students must take English composition sequentially.
University Core for All Bachelor’s Degrees
(37-39 hours) - REL 101 - Introduction to the Old Testament Credit Hours: 3
and - REL 102 - Introduction to the New Testament Credit Hours: 3
- ENG 101 - Composition Credit Hours: 3
and - ENG 102 - Research and Composition Credit Hours: 3
- World Literature, American Literature, or Philosophy Credit Hours: 3
- HIS 101 - World History to 1500 Credit Hours: 3 (two courses in one area) *
and - HIS 102 - World History Since 1500 Credit Hours: 3 *
or - HIS 201 - United States to 1865 Credit Hours: 3 (two courses in one area) *
and - HIS 202 - United States since 1865 Credit Hours: 3 *
- Psychology, Sociology, Economics, Political Science, or Religion Credit Hours: 3
- Science (BIO, CHE, or PHY) Credit Hours: 3-4 **
- MAT 131 - College Algebra Credit Hours: 3 or higher math course
- Art, Music, or Theatre Appreciation; Music History or Literature; Musical Theatre; or Theatre History Credit Hours: 3 ***
- Public Speaking, Interpersonal Communication, or Oral Interpretation of Literature Credit Hours: 3
- Physical Education Credit Hours: 1-2 ****
University Core Total (37-39 hours)
* BA students must take HIS 101 -HIS 102 . ** BS students must take a 4-hour lab science course. Students in other degree programs may choose either a 3-hour, non-lab course or a 4-hour lab course to meet the requirement. B.A. students seeking teacher certification must also take a 4-hour lab science course. *** Students majoring in one of the fine arts must take a course in one of the other two areas. **** Activity courses (1-2 hours) or Health and Exercise for a New Lifestlye (3 hours); minimum for BSN, 1 hour; all other degrees, 2 hours; Health and Exercise for a New Lifestyle (3 hours); military science, varsity sports, marching band, and cheerleading may be used to satisfy this requirement. Additional Requirements
The requirements for specific degree programs listed below are in addition to the university core. B.A. degrees require 6 hours of foreign language at the intermediate level. Students with no foreign language proficiency are required to take 12 hours in one foreign language. Six hours of English literature, history, or philosophy (3 of these hours must be in English literature) are also required. B.F.A. degrees require 6 hours of English literature. B.S. degrees require 3 hours of English literature and 12-14 hours of natural/physical science, mathematics, or computing. Specific courses to meet some core requirements may be specified by the student’s major. |