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    Feb 19, 2025  
2019-2020 Undergraduate Catalog 
2019-2020 Undergraduate Catalog [ARCHIVED CATALOG]

Student Life and Campus Activities

Student life at William Carey University is an experience in community Christian living. All student life, all organizational life, and all social life is directed to the ultimate purpose of preparing a person for well-balanced vocational and social life. The university strives to give all students the opportunity to grow creatively in all aspects of personal and community life.

All students are expected to assume responsibility for their own affairs and to respect the rights and privileges of other members of the campus community. Faculty and administrators of the university are interested in students and seek to help them to achieve mature, personal, responsible objectives.

Students’ spiritual, social, moral, intellectual, and vocational maturity is increased through their participation in community housing, organizational activity, their assumption of responsibilities for campus life, and the availability of many forms of student and staff guidance.

Rules and regulations related to student campus life are set forth in The Translation, a publication of the office of student life. It governs matters of conduct and residential life and is distributed annually to all students. In addition, some academic programs provide separate handbooks related to the particular programs. These documents collectively set forth the various rights and responsibilities of students, both academically and in other matters related to matriculation. Procedures related to these rights and responsibilities, including appeals related to academic and conduct matters, are set forth in these documents.

Religious Activities


The purpose of chapel is to provide, through the regular assembly of the entire university family, an opportunity for worship and inspiration, for learning in an inspirational context, and for the creation of community. This will contribute to spiritual development of the student as a significant part of preparation for meaningful life. With certain exceptions, all undergraduate students on the Hattiesburg campus are required to attend. Chapel is held on Wednesdays at 9:20 a.m. in Thomas Fine Arts Auditorium during the fall, winter, and spring trimesters. Requests for exemptions from the chapel requirement may be made by completing an exemption request form, which is available in the Department of Biblical Studies and Philosophy, Room 112 of Lawrence Hall on the Hattiesburg campus.

Chapel is held on the Tradition campus on Mondays at 11:30 a.m. and on alternating evenings of each trimester at 5:30 p.m.

William Carey Lecture and Religious Emphasis Day

The William Carey Lecture is held annually on the Hattiesburg campus, honoring the university’s namesake and the Christian missions effort. A Religious Emphasis Day is held on the Tradition campus. Outstanding leaders and scholars from the Christian community are brought to the campuses for these emphases.

Baptist Student Union

The Baptist Student Union (BSU) is a ministry for the campus which is designed to facilitate and enrich spiritual growth, to share Christ with all students, to encourage individual and group Bible study, to encourage church membership and loyalty, and to learn about and be involved in mission projects. The BSU seeks to provide a wholesome Christian fellowship through which all students can involve themselves in ministry, personal growth, and activities.

The BSU is supported by area churches and affiliated with the Collegiate Ministry of the Mississippi Baptist Convention Board and the National Collegiate Ministry, a ministry of Lifeway Christian Resources of the Southern Baptist Convention.

Student Government Association

William Carey University has adopted student government because of its democratic and creative implications. Each student who enrolls in the university automatically becomes a member of the Student Government Association. Each member is given an opportunity to participate in student government by voting in SGA elections, by the voice of representatives in the Student Government Council, and by the right of personal petition. The officers of the SGA work closely with the director of student activities in planning and implementing student programs and activities. The Tradition campus has an autonomous Student Government Association.

Intercollegiate Athletics

The intercollegiate athletic program consistently produces nationally ranked teams in several sports. These athletic teams are a focal point for school spirit and provide students with an excellent opportunity for sports entertainment.

The university fields varsity intercollegiate sports in basketball (M & W), baseball (M), softball (W), golf (M & W), soccer (M & W), tennis (M & W), cross country (M & W), indoor/outdoor track & field (M & W), and volleyball (W) along with junior varsity sports in basketball (M) and soccer (M) are available on the Hattiesburg campus. The athletic program is a highly respected member of the National Association of Intercollegiate Athletics (NAIA) and the Southern States Athletic Conference (SSAC). Other SSAC institutions are located in Mississippi, Louisiana, Alabama, Georgia, and Tennessee.

Student Publications

The Cobbler, the student newspaper, is a university-sponsored publication designed to report on current and future campus events. It is produced by a staff of students under the direction of a staff advisor. For more information, contact Suzanne Monk, advisor, at

The Crusader, the university yearbook, is an annual publication of Carey’s journalism program that depicts and preserves the events that influence and shape the lives of the students during the course of a year. It is produced by a staff of students under the direction of a faculty advisor. For more information, contact the chair of the Department of Theatre and Communication.

The Indigo is a collection of literary works written by students at Carey and published by the Department of Language and Literature.

Policies and procedures for the governance and funding of these and other publications can be found in the policies and procedures manual of the university.

Clubs and Organizations

African American Cultural Society Plus is a group of students organized to give recognition and promotion to the heritage and cultural contributions of African-Americans. Membership is open to all interested students.

Alpha Chi is a national honor scholarship society made up of juniors and seniors who rank in the top ten percent of their class. The purpose of this organization is the recognition and promotion of scholarship and those elements of character that make scholarship effective.

Alpha Psi Omega is a national honorary theatre fraternity. The purpose of the Sigma Chi Cast is to honor through election to membership those students who actively participate in theatre at William Carey University.

The Art Club is organized to maintain a high standard of quality art involvement on campus.

The Association of Campus Presidents is composed of the presidents of all campus organizations and honor societies.

The Baptist student Union (BSU) is a ministry for the campus which is designed to facilitate and enrich spiritual growth, to share Christ with all students, to encourage individual and group Bible study, to encourage church membership and loyalty, and to learn about and be involved in mission projects. The BSU seeks to provide a wholesome Christian fellowship through which all students can involve themselves in ministry, personal growth, and activities.

Carey Connection is an elite group of students who serve as student ambassadors for the university. Students are chosen through an application and interview process. Students must have a 2.5 cumulative G.P.A. to be selected.

Carey Jitsu is a men’s student organization established to create physical, mental, and spiritual warriors.

The Carey Scholars provide academic, cultural, leadership, spiritual, and service enrichment through Christian based values and beliefs for William Carey Scholars.

Cheerleaders cheer during the basketball season as well as home soccer games and often travel to away games. Open to men and women, scholarships are awarded.

The Church-Related Vocations Fellowship is composed of church-related vocations students on campus, and its purpose is to promote Christian fellowship.

Crusaders for Life was founded to organize and activate pro-life students on campus based on the Christian principle that every human life is sacred.

Delta Omicron International Music Fraternity installed the Omicron Sigma Chapter on the William Carey University campus on October 24, 1964. A music professional and honorary organization for both men and women, Delta Omicron is open to music majors and minors who achieve its required academic performance and professional standards.

The Diamond Girls are a group of women who add spirit and work at all home baseball games.

Fellowship of Christian Athletes is a student-led organization focusing on spiritual growth of all students. FCA works to serve local communities by equipping, empowering, and encouraging people to make a difference for Christ. The organization holds regular Bible studies and athletic/social events throughout the year.

Gamma Chi is a woman’s social club focusing on sisterhood and community service.

The International Student Organization is an organization whose goal is to foster understanding and better relationships among students from different countries by sharing our different cultures within the Carey community.

Intramural Sports provide students with the opportunity to participate in organized athletic activities and events. The department of intramural sports operates under the direction of the coordinator of intramural sports.

Kappa Mu Epsilon is a national honor society that promotes interest in and appreciation for mathematics at the undergraduate level. Members are selected from students of mathematics and other related fields who have attained academic distinction.

Kappa Pi is an international art fraternity open to all art majors and others in art. The Tradition campus chapter is Zeta Omega.

Kappa Tau Xi is a men’s social club focusing on brotherhood and community service.

Lions Club empowers volunteers to serve their communities, meet humanitarian needs, encourage peace, and promote international understanding.

Mississippi Professional Educators (MPE), the state’s largest organization for professional educators, is a nonunion association of more than 8,500 teachers, administrators, support personnel, and student teachers. MPE serves members in pre-K through graduate education in both public and private institutions with the purpose of promoting better education for the children of Mississippi. Anyone affiliated with education is invited to join.

Music Educators National Convention, Carey University Student Chapter, affords music students opportunity for professional orientation and development while still in school. Membership in the chapter is open to all music students, with emphasis given to those students who are preparing to teach music in public schools.

Omicron Delta Kappa, William Carey University Circle, recognizes the high attainment of juniors and seniors as leaders in the areas of scholarship, athletics, student government, social and religious affairs, publications, speech and drama, and music. Membership is by election.

Panhellenic Council is the governing body of the social clubs, fraternities, and sororities affiliated with William Carey University. It is comprised of three delegates from each chapter (president, vice president, and the sponsor) with the director of student activities as the overseer. Panhellenic promotes the Greek community; it encourages leadership, academic achievement, and service among all social clubs.

Phi Delta Kappa International is the oldest international education honor society in the United States. Teachers and undergraduate/graduate education majors are invited to join the society.

Pi Gamma Mu is an organization promoting interest in the social sciences.

Pi Kappa Delta is the largest and oldest national organization for speech and debate. This honorary forensic fraternity is a nationally recognized fraternal organization. William Carey University’s Mississippi Eta chapter promotes and upholds the art of persuasion as the pinnacle of public discourse. This organization grooms students to be eloquent speakers and more civic minded.

Pi Omega is a women’s social club focusing on sisterhood and community service.

Pre Physical Therapy organization helps PT students become aware of school requirements and the application process for entry.

Pre SOMA is an organization that raises awareness about osteopathic medicine and helps prepares members for entrance into colleges of osteopathic medicine.

The Pre-Vet Club’s purpose is to serve as a resource to pre-veterinary students by providing general as well as specific information regarding veterinary school entrance requirements and application process, enabling students to learn more about their field and make valuable connections with veterinary professionals, and educating students on other pre-veterinary resources available through the Association of American Veterinary Medical Colleges.

Psychology Club provides students with service opportunities related to psychology and insight into psychology-centered careers.

The Rugby Club is a club sport. The men and women’s teams learn the fundamentals of rugby, practice, and play against other rugby teams and clubs.

The Serampore Players is an organization open to all students. Its purpose is to stimulate interest in the acting and backstage aspects of a performing theatre.

Sigma Beta Delta is an honor society recognizing scholarship and achievement among business students. Junior, senior, and graduate students must be invited to membership by the faculty officers.

Sigma Tau Delta is the international English honor society. The purpose of the society is (a) to confer distinction for high achievement in the English language and literature in undergraduate and professional studies; (b) to promote interest in literature and the English language on the local campuses and their surrounding communities; and (c) to foster the discipline of English in all of its aspects, including creative and critical thinking.

Sigma Theta Tau International Honor Society of Nursing/Upsilon Theta 462 supports the learning, knowledge, and professional development of nurses committed to making a difference in health worldwide. Upsilon Theta membership is by invitation only.

The Society for Advancement of Management is an organization to promote development of business, leadership skills, and provide service to the university and community.

The Speech and Debate Team is nationally ranked and recognized in the forensic community. The team offers the opportunity to compete in a wide variety of events (public speaking, limited preparation, interpretation, and parliamentary debate). The team travels to national tournaments. On-campus activities include talent showcases and in-class demonstrations. No previous experience is necessary to join.

The Student Foundation Assists the office for advancement with student fundraising efforts and significant public events. The goals of the Student Foundation are to raise money for student scholarships as well as to show Carey pride.

The Student Government Association is an organization whose purpose is to aid in governing the student body and help serve their needs. The SGA serves as a liaison between students and administration and aids in planning campus activities and community service projects. There are both elected and appointed positions. Each student who enrolls in the university is a member of the SGA.

Student Music Therapy Association is a student-led organization for those pursuing a major in music therapy and is affiliated with the American Music Therapy Association. Its purpose is to provide support and encouragement for its members, as well as personal growth through hands-on experiences in the field of music therapy. Members work with a variety of populations in a goal-oriented process, striving for the rehabilitation, improvement, or maintenance of the human body through the use of music and musical activities.

The Student Nurse Association (SNA) is composed of students majoring in nursing and aids in developing the individual as a future health professional to contribute to the improvement of health care of all people. This organization is available on both the Hattiesburg and Tradition campuses.

TEAAM Carey helps WCU and our community become more aware and understanding of autism.

Performance Groups and Ensembles

The Carey Chorale is the premier choral ensemble of the university. This auditioned ensemble takes two major tours each year. Open to all WCU students by audition. For additional information, contact Kathy Vail in the School of Music.

Carpenter’s Wood is a contemporary Christian vocal ensemble open to all students campus-wide. Membership is by audition. Contact Kathy Vail for additional information.

The Carey Company is a song and dance entertainment ensemble open to all WCU students by audition. Contact Jim Armstrong or Katie Ginn for additional information.

The Chapel Choir is a choral ensemble of the School of Music open to all WCU students. Audition is not required. Contact Jim Armstrong for additional information.

The Guitar Ensemble consists of WCU music students who perform frequently both on and off campus. Selection for this ensemble is by audition. Contact David Bryan for additional information.

The Handbell Ensemble is a handbell choir which represents the university on and off campus. It is open to all students by audition. Contact Kathy Vail for additional information.

Jazz Band is an instrumental ensemble of the School of Music open to all WCU students by audition. This ensemble represents the university at schools, civic functions, and churches. Contact Jim Armstrong or Andrew Gilstrap for additional information.

The Musical Theatre Ensemble performs musical theatre scenes and full productions. Open to all William Carey students by audition. For additional information contact Dr. Connie Roberts.

The Pep Band is an instrumental ensemble of the School of Music that is open to all WCU students by audition. This ensemble performs at university basketball games. Contact Andrew Gilstrap for additional information.

The Piano Ensemble performs works for multiple performers on two or more pianos, sometimes in conjunction with other instruments. Open to all William Carey students by audition. Contact Kathy Vail for additional information. The Restoration Band is a worship band that leads worship in chapel, churches, and student ministry events. Contact Jessica or David Bryan for additional information.

Spirit of Carey is a high energy brass percussion and auxiliary corps that performs at schools, community events, parades, and churches. Admission is by audition only. For additional information, contact Wes Dykes or Jeremy Morgan in the School of Music.

The String Ensemble plays a variety of classical and contemporary string ensemble music. Open to all students by audition. For additional information, contact Daniela Pardo in the School of Music.

Symphonic Winds and Concert Band is open to all WCU students by audition. This ensemble plays a variety of standard band and orchestral literature. For additional information, contact Wes Dykes.

Woodwind Ensembles (Grace Notes and Tuscan Reeds) are ensembles for woodwind instruments. Open to all William Carey students by audition. Contact Wes Dykes for additional information.

Young Americans for Liberty is an organization to identify, educate, and train future political leaders and activists to advance effectively liberty and constitutional government in the political sphere, and to spread wider awareness of those ideals among the less politically informed.