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    Jan 15, 2025  
2022-2023 Undergraduate Catalog 
2022-2023 Undergraduate Catalog [ARCHIVED CATALOG]

Administration of the Academic Program

William Carey University offers a variety of academic programs at the undergraduate level and at the graduate level. This catalog sets forth the general academic regulations which the university follows as well as specific regulations and policies regarding the undergraduate program. Undergraduate programs may be completed by successfully earning at least 120-128 semester hours of specified credit.

The time period within which these programs may be completed varies, but is usually four years. That period may be shortened for students with outstanding records who are allowed to take higher course loads or who attend summer classes. It may also be longer for students who experience academic difficulty or attend on a part-time basis.

Academic Organizations of the University

The university is organized into the College of Osteopathic Medicine, the College of Health Sciences, the Ralph and Naomi Noonkester School of Arts and Letters; the School of Business; the School of Education; the Donald and Frances Winters School of Music; and the School of Natural and Behavioral Sciences, the Owen and Elizabeth Cooper School of Missions and Ministry Studies. Each of these schools has a dean responsible for its direction.

Undergraduate Degrees

William Carey University offers seven undergraduate degrees: Bachelor of Arts (B.A.), Bachelor of Fine Arts (B.F.A.), Bachelor of Music (B.M.), Bachelor of Science (B.S.), Bachelor of Science in Business (B.S.B.), Bachelor of Science in Nursing (B.S.N.), and Bachelor of General Studies (B.G.S.). All degrees require the successful completion of at least 120-128 hours.

Academic Guidance Program

William Carey University provides a guidance program for students through faculty conferences. Conferences are designed to assist students in the choice and mastery of academic subjects.

  1. Each student is assigned to a member of the faculty who serves as advisor. Chairs or deans of the various departments or schools of the university are responsible for assigning advisors for their major students.
  2. A program of orientation for new students is provided.
    1. An introduction to student life is provided by the vice president of student services.
    2. Diagnostic tests are administered to new students prior to registration. Tests are administered in the following areas: English composition, reading, and mathematics.
    3. Results of the required placement tests are used to recommend appropriate courses for students.

Classification of Students

The undergraduate academic work of William Carey University is organized into four classes: the freshman class (29 semester hours or less), the sophomore class (30-59 hours), the junior class (60-89 hours), and the senior class (at least 90 hours or graduating the following summer).

General Academic Regulations

Requirements and Regulations for all Degrees

  1. Writing intensive courses. All students must take a minimum of three hours of courses at William Carey University that are designated as writing intensive. Writing intensive courses are listed here.
  2. Service Learning Requirement. All students must complete an approved service learning activity in order to graduate.
  3. Graduation requirements may be met under any catalog in effect during the student’s enrollment within six years of graduation. Community/ junior college students transferring directly to William Carey University under admissions standards in the current catalog may elect to follow the academic policies in the immediately preceding catalog, provided they were enrolled at the community/junior college at that time. Students seeking teacher or nursing licensure should follow currently approved programs.
  4. Students who earn a degree at WCU may earn a second degree by completing the following: any remaining degree requirements, a second major (and a second minor, if the major requires one), any current core requirements not fulfilled in the first degree, and all graduation requirements, including the residency requirement. However, a student does not have to take additional elective hours for the sake of reaching a total of 120, 128, or whatever number of hours the degree usually requires.  

    Students who hold a baccalaureate degree from another accredited college or university may earn a degree at WCU by completing all course work for the degree including core courses, a major (and a second minor, if the major requires ones), and all graduation requirements, including the residency requirement. Courses in the prior degree that match WCU requirements will be waived.
  5. Courses used to satisfy requirements in one category (core, major, minor) may be used to satisfy the requirements in another category, but the hours only count once within a single degree. This applies to earning a single degree, major, and minor or any additional degrees, majors, or minors. However, courses used in one degree cannot be used to satisfy major or minor requirements in a second degree.
  6. Upper-level hours. Forty hours in courses numbered 300 or above are required. (Courses transferred from community/junior colleges will not be counted as upper-level hours.)
  7. Upper-level hours in the major field or concentration(s) field. At least 50% of the required hours in the major field or a B.G.S. concentration must be upper-level hours.
  8. The residency requirement consists of the last 25% of course credits required for a degree, which must be earned at William Carey University. Most degree programs require 128 semester hours; thus, the residency requirement is 32 semester hours. Degrees that require 120 hours have a residency requirement of 30 semester hours.
  9. A minimum of 25% of the course credit required for a degree must be earned at William Carey University.
  10. Upper-level hours in the major or concentration(s) earned at William Carey University must total at least 12; students with two concentrations in the B.G.S. may achieve this upper-level requirement through any combination of the 12 hours.
  11. Hours in each minor or each concentration earned at William Carey University must total at least six.
  12. A minimum GPA of 2.0 is required in each of these categories: total academic hours attempted, all work done at William Carey University, courses in the major and in the minor. Individual programs may require a higher GPA.
  13. Application for degree. Students who are candidates for May degrees are required to file applications for their degrees in the registrar’s office by October 15. Candidates for August graduation must file application for their degrees by March 31. Applications submitted after these deadlines will be charged a late fee of $50 within the first 30 days after the deadline; $100 within 60 days; and $150 within 90 days.  Applications will NOT be accepted later than one month before graduation due to processing, printing of programs, and printing of diplomas.
  14. A maximum of nine hours in directed readings and independent study courses may count toward a baccalaureate degree.
  15. Only eight activity credit hours from PEG courses may count toward a degree. Activity credit for PEG courses are those semester hours awarded for participation in cheerleading, intercollegiate baseball, softball, basketball, golf, and soccer.
  16. Nursing students must have a grade of C or above in all nursing courses. Education students must have a grade of C or above in all education courses.
  17. The first eighteen hours of repeated courses, including those transferred and taken at William Carey University, will count as grade replacements and will not count in the grade point average. Thereafter, all grades will be calculated in the grade point average.
  18. A maximum of 50% of community/junior college hours may be applied toward a bachelor’s degree at William Carey University. The maximum community/junior college hours that may be applied to a 128-hour degree is 64, and to a 120-hour degree, 60.
  19. Students who wish to repeat courses taken at William Carey University must repeat those courses at the university in order to receive the repeated course’s credit and quality points. The last William Carey University grade earned on a repeated course is the grade counted toward the degree requirements and in the grade point average.
  20. When courses are repeated, whether resident or transfer credits, the last grade earned is the one that is counted for degree requirements, but previous grades will remain on the record, even if they have been marked as repeated.

Trimester Calendar

William Carey University operates on a trimester calendar. The semester hour is the unit of credit.

All courses meet one hour and 15 minutes per week for each semester credit hour unless different meeting hours are specified in the course descriptions. The trimester is 11 weeks long, consisting of ten weeks of class followed by final examinations, except during the summer when the term consists of a total of ten weeks.

Transfer Credits

A maximum of 64 semester hours (60 for 120-hour degrees) earned in a community/junior college may be applied toward a degree at William Carey University. Once students have enrolled at William Carey University, they may not transfer a course from any other senior or community/junior college except by special permission of the vice president of academic affairs. William Carey University will accept transfer credit only from regionally accredited institutions or from a recognized accrediting agency.

Students enrolled at William Carey University who wish to earn credits at another college must make an application in advance to the vice president for academic affairs through their dean/advisor. The student must be in good standing at William Carey before permission will be granted to take a course elsewhere during any term.

Grades of D will not transfer if the student has a cumulative grade point average on all transfer credit for all college work attempted of less than 2.0.

William Carey University has an articulation agreement with Mississippi Gulf Coast Community College. Graduates from MGCCC interested in pursuing a bachelor’s degree at William Carey should contact the admissions office at the Tradition campus for more information.

Transfer of Credits Process

William Carey University provides an interactive tool called the Transfer Evaluation System (TES) that students and advisors can use to see how coursework from other colleges and universities transfers to WCU. The list of courses in TES is not comprehensive; updates are continually made as new courses are reviewed and current courses are changed. The information in TES is provided only as a guide. Prospective and current students may find the TES on the Registrar’s Office web page.Once a student is enrolled at WCU and all official transcript documents are received, an official transcript evaluation will be conducted and added to the student’s academic record. 

Each course will be evaluated and those determined to be equivalent to WCU courses will be marked with the equivalent WCU course numbers.

All credits earned at other institutions will be entered into the student’s record, and a William Carey University transcript generated. All transcripts from other institutions will be entered as transfer work with the name of the institution and date(s) attended. All coursework will be combined, resulting in an overall GPA for the student. Due to this process, it is very important that all coursework from all institutions is reported upon making application for admission to WCU.

The student has the right to appeal (in writing) the transfer of any course equivalency. The student may then be asked to provide further information (as before mentioned) that will be sent to the various department chairmen/deans for further review.

Credit by Examination

William Carey University awards college credit to students through CLEP examinations, Advanced Placement (AP) Testing, and the International Baccaluareate (IB) program. Upon official acceptance, registration, and confirmed attendance of a student at William Carey University and upon receipt of official scores/transcripts, credit earned by examination will be posted on the student transcript.

Credit obtained by any combination of CLEP, AP examinations, and IB higher level course scores may not exceed 30 hours. Credit by CLEP may not be earned for a subject in which more advanced credit has been earned. Credit by CLEP may not be earned for a course if the prerequisite courses have not been taken. Decisions regarding IB credit are made on a case-by-case basis for each applicant by the appropriate academic department. A minimum score of 5 is required for consideration.

CLEP Examinations—Humanities, college mathematics, natural science, social science, and history examinations are elective credit only. Students may, prior to or during their first term of enrollment (for part-time or summer students prior to having completed 15 hours), obtain degree credit for satisfactory performance (minimum score of 50) on one or more of the exams named above, provided the student has not been enrolled in a comparable course for more than 30 calendar days. Six semester hours of credit may be obtained for each of the four examinations areas: humanities, mathematics, natural sciences, and social sciences/history.

CLEP subject Examinations. William Carey University grants credit for CLEP Subject Examinations in lieu of enrollment in equivalent courses which are applicable to the degree program in which the student is enrolled. The acceptable scaled score for each subject examination is determined by the appropriate academic department, but must be a minimum of 50. Students may take subject examinations at any time during their college career, provided they have not been enrolled in the equivalent course for more than 30 calendar days. Credit may not be received for both the subject examination and its equivalent, either in another examination or in a course taken for credit. To receive credit for Freshman ENG 101 , a student must take Freshman College Composition with essay. The essay portion of the CLEP Subject Examination will be graded by the department of language and literature at the university.

Credit by examination may not exceed eight semester hours in any area or discipline except in foreign language which has a maximum of 12 hours. Such credit may be entered on a record only after the student has earned 12 hours of credit in classroom courses at William Carey University.

Advanced Placement. Credit may be granted by examination on the College Board Advanced Placement Testing Program. No credit will be awarded for scores less than 3, and some academic departments may require a higher score than 3.

Correspondence Credit

Correspondence credit will not be accepted in the department of the student’s major unless it is in addition to the minimum credit required for the major. All correspondence credit must be approved by the chairman of the major department and the vice president of academic affairs and must carry a grade of at least C. Transcripts for correspondence credits to be used to meet graduation requirements must be received by the registrar at least two weeks prior to the date of graduation. Correspondence credit is limited to six semester hours for a degree.

Technology Resources

William Carey University provides a variety of technology resources to support student learning. These resources include the Indigo Student Self Service Portal, the Canvas learning management system, student e-mail accounts, remote access to library database resources, and “Carey Air” a university-wide unified wireless network.

The Indigo Portal allows students to access their campus information including course registration, course offerings, unofficial transcripts, job searches, billing information, schedules, financial aid information, and grades. The portal also allows students to pay tuition and fees online. William Carey University does not mail individual grade reports.

Many courses incorporate information technology both within the classroom and remotely through the internet. The university uses Canvas for communicating and engaging students with course content, assignments, discussions, and online conferences. Students are required to access their WCU email and Canvas accounts as quickly as possible so that faculty and administrative offices will have a reliable means of communication with the student.

More information about distance learning is available at Canvas is available at

A student technology guide is available for download at This guide is constantly updated to reflect any changes as the office of information technology is constantly working to bring new and improved services.

Directed Readings and Independent Study

Directed readings courses are available for superior, responsible students interested in reading beyond the usual course offerings at the university. Independent studies may be used with appropriate courses in situations where the required course is not otherwise available. A learning contract, signed by student, instructor, and dean is required for all directed study and independent study courses. A maximum of 9 hours of directed readings and/or independent studies may count toward a baccalaureate degree. An additional fee is charged.

Auditing Courses

A student who does not need or wish to obtain credit may attend a class as an auditor. Students who audit a course are expected to attend class on a regular basis and meet other requirements prescribed by the instructor. The credit option (audit to credit or credit to audit) may not be changed after the deadline for adding courses for credit (the first week of classes). The fee for auditing is one-half the regular tuition. The student must apply and be admitted to the university and should declare the desire to audit a class upon registering for the course. A grade of AU will be noted on the transcript upon completion of the course.

Listener’s License

With permission of the instructor using the appropriate form from the registrar’s office, regular classes may be taken as a listener. Class participation is limited, and the course does not appear on the transcript. There is no fee to be a listener at William Carey University.

Examinations, Grades, and Quality Points

  1. Examinations are given during the last week of each trimester.
    1. No final examination may be held at any other time than that designated by the administration. A final examination by special arrangement may be given only by permission of the vice president of academic affairs.
    2. All fees must be paid before examinations may be taken.
  2. No student will be granted a transcript of any kind until his or her account is settled in the business office.
  3. Grades are issued to students only.
Grades and Quality Points per semester Credit Hour
A Excellent 4
B Above average 3
C Average 2
D Below average 1
F Failure 0
I Incomplete 0
P Pass 0
W Course dropped by the mid-point of the trimester 0

A grade of “I” (incomplete) will be assigned only when unavoidable circumstances prevent completion of the work of the course on schedule. In order to be eligible for a grade of “I,” a student must be doing passing work, must have completed 80% of the required work for the class, and must provide appropriate documentation for requesting the incomplete. Requests are made using the Incomplete Grade Request Form obtained from the registrar’s office and must be approved by the instructor and academic dean. When the work is completed satisfactorily, the “I” may be changed to any grade by the instructor. If a grade of “I” is not changed to a passing grade by the end of the next trimester, it will automatically be changed to “F.”

Any junior or senior student is permitted to take one course each trimester on a pass/fail basis. Approval of the instructor, using the appropriate form from the registrar’s office, is required. The course must be selected at the time of registration, and it must not be in the student’s major or minor fields or in the core curriculum requirements for any degree. A total of four courses may be taken on this basis.

Students taking developmental courses (ENG 100 , MAT 100  or Study Skills) will receive grades of “P” for passing and will receive credit for the course, or a grade of “F.”

A notation of “R” will be placed beside the grade for a course that is repeated.

Computation of Grades

Grade point averages are based on the number of hours in the GPA attempted rather than the number of hours passed. This will include all hours attempted at William Carey University and all transfer credits. Grades of “I” (current), “P,” and “W” will not be counted in the total hours attempted. Also, for a course that is repeated, the most recent grade for the course will be counted in the hours attempted.

Example of grade computation. At the end of each term’s entry on the transcript are found notations for that term and also cumulative information giving the attempted hours (ATT), earned hours (ERN), hours (HRS), quality points (PTS), and grade point average (GPA). To calculate the GPA, divide the number of quality points (PTS) by the number of hours (HRS). For example, someone taking 4 courses for 3 credit hours each, with grades (and quality points) of A (12 pts.), B (9 pts.), C (6 pts.), and F (0pts.) would have the following notations (based on 27 pts./12 hrs. = 2.25 GPA):

Term: 12 9 12 27 2.25

Academic Standing and Satisfactory Academic Progress

Academic standing will be determined at the end of each trimester, and satisfactory academic progress for financial aid will be determined at the end of the spring trimester by a committee that includes representation from academics, financial aid, registrar, student support, and student accounts. Notification of academic standing will be made through the Indigo student portal. Suspension appeals will be decided by the vice president for academic affairs.

Academic Standing Categories

  • Good Standing—Good standing is based on cumulative grade point average (CGPA), based upon the number of hours attempted, as shown in the following table.
Total Hours Attempted CGPA Required
0 -14 1.5
15 – 29 1.75
30 and above 2.0
  • Warning—Upon initially failing to achieve good standing, the student is placed on warning and is limited to a load of 10 hours for the subsequent trimester.
  • Probation—After being on warning during the previous trimester, a student who fails to achieve good standing is placed on probation and is limited to a load of 10 hours for the subsequent trimester.
  • Suspension—After being on warning and then probation, a student who fails to either achieve good standing or to make satisfactory progress toward good standing is placed on suspension. Students placed on suspension may appeal the suspension to the vice president for academic affairs. If the appeal is granted, the student may continue to attend on probation. If the appeal is denied, the student may apply for readmission after one trimester.
  • Dismissal—After being suspended and either appealing and being allowed to continue on probation or after being readmitted following a trimester when not enrolled due to suspension, a student who either fails to achieve good standing or to make satisfactory progress toward good standing is dismissed. There is no appeal for dismissal. After one year, a dismissed student may apply for readmission.
  • Final Dismissal—After being readmitted after having been dismissed, a student who fails either to achieve good standing or to make satisfactory progress toward good standing is dismissed, without the possibility of either appeal or readmission.

Students who attend another institution while suspended from WCU may not transfer those credits to WCU if readmitted; however, the achievement of the student at the other institution may be considered in the admission decision if the student reapplies to WCU.

Grade Appeal

A student who believes that a final course grade is unfairly or incorrectly determined and who wishes to appeal the grade should submit a “Form for Grade Appeal” to the academic affairs office (or the Administrative and Academic Dean’s office on the Tradition campus). The form and instructions for grade appeal are available on the university website.

The form is used to guide the grade appeal process through successive reviews, as needed, by the instructor, department chair, campus director or dean, academic appeals committee, and vice president for academic affairs. The appeal may be resolved at any level or withdrawn by the student at any time.

The appeal must be initiated within 10 working days (excluding official student holidays) of the beginning of the subsequent term.

This procedure and deadline is to be followed for all grade changes, including changes to “W.”

Failure to carefully follow the instructions included with the Form for Grade Appeal may invalidate the student’s right to appeal. The procedure above applies to all undergraduate students except nursing students. The School of Nursing has its own grievance process, which must be used for any grade appeals of nursing courses.

Scholastic Honors

President’s List and Dean’s List. Those meeting the following requirements are included in the President’s List and Dean’s List:

  1. The student must carry no less than nine semester hours of work exclusive of MUG, PED activity courses, PEG courses and THE 160 , 260, 261, 360, and 361 during the trimester on which the scholastic average is based.
  2. The scholastic average must be 4.0 for the President’s List and at least 3.5 for the Deans’ List.
  3. The grades for the trimester on which the scholastic average is based must include no grade lower than C or an incomplete.

Graduation Distinctions. To receive graduation distinctions, a student must earn grades on at least 60 hours from William Carey University.

  1. A student who has earned a 3.6 grade point average graduates cum laude.
  2. A student who has earned a 3.8 grade point average graduates magna cum laude.
  3. A student who has earned a 3.9 grade point average, with no grade below B, graduates summa cum laude.

Class Rank. Placement in each graduating class is determined for students who have completed a minimum of 64 hours at William Carey University (or 60 hours for degrees requiring 120 hours).

Graduation Honors. To receive graduation honors, students must complete an honors thesis in their major area of study. A student may register for an honors thesis only by invitation of a faculty member who wishes to supervise the thesis. Faculty supervisors should consult with the honors committee for specific procedures and scheduling requirements. Students must register for the honors course numbered 499 in their major area. Students may register for the thesis course one or two times, and only in exceptional circumstances three times, if their work on the thesis continues for up to three trimesters. A passing grade in the thesis course does not grant graduation honors because the thesis must be approved by both the major department faculty and the honors committee.

The number 499 is used to designate an honors thesis or a leadership project. If the thesis is approved by the student’s major department and the honors committee, the student is entitled to graduate with honors in the major subject.

Academic Credits and Course Loads

The maximum course load on the trimester system is 12 semester hours. Students on the Dean’s List (scholarship average 3.5 or better) may take up to 15 semester hours with the approval of the appropriate dean.

A full-time student is one taking a minimum of nine semester hours during a trimester. A half-time student is one taking a minimum of five semester hours but less than nine during a trimester. To be eligible to take any fully online courses, undergraduate students living on campus and all international undergraduate students must take at least six hours of courses that are taught face-to-face or courses taught in a hybrid format (combining face-to-face with online instruction). This applies to the fall, winter, and spring trimesters.

The maximum amount of work which may be earned in one five-week term of the summer session is seven hours. Loads for mini-term and specially scheduled courses vary with length of courses.

A student should attempt to complete all core curriculum by the end of the second year in college. All undergraduate students except Carey Scholars must take ENG 101 -ENG 102  consecutively and sequentially in their first two trimesters of attendance, unless they already have credit for the courses in transfer.

Attendance Regulations

Students are expected to attend classes. Excessive absences may seriously affect the work of the whole class as well as that of the individual students who are absent. Individual faculty members set their own attendance regulations for their classes and inform their students of them; however, students must attend a minimum of 75% of the class meetings in order to receive credit for the course. The total number of absences of each student shall be reported for each class by each faculty member at the time of filing trimester grade rosters. Online course attendance requires the student’s activity in the online course each week the course is active. Hybrid courses combine attendance in required face-to-face class meetings and weekly activity in the online portions of the course.

Change of Class schedule (Dropping and Adding Courses)

  1. Schedule changes either in dropping a course or adding a course, should be made in consultation with the student’s academic advisor. Schedule changes that affect total hours may impact financial aid. Schedule changes require completion of the drop/add procedure in the student portal. Students who register for classes online are allowed to make schedule changes online during specified registration periods.
  2. No student may register for a course after 10% of class meetings have occurred.
  3. Courses dropped within the first five weeks of a trimester will be recorded as “W” (withdrawn). Courses dropped after the midterm will receive a grade of “F.”
  4. Courses offered in mini-terms or with special schedules will have add/drop dates proportionate to length of course.
  5. For related fees/refunds, see Financial Information —Student Expenses and Tuition Refund Policy .

Withdrawing from the University

  1. All students who desire to withdraw from the university must file a written request form in the student portal. Resident students must also obtain permission of the vice president of student services.
  2. Refunds upon withdrawal will be made only on condition that official permission has been granted. (See Tuition Refund Policy .)


Transcripts are issued by the registrar’s office.

  1. An official transcript is one bearing the signature of the registrar and the seal of the university and is mailed directly or sent electronically to whatever official may be designated by the student.
  2. When a transcript bearing the stamp “Issued to Student” is given to the person whose credits are transcribed thereon, the university assumes no responsibility for its accuracy after it leaves the registrar’s office.
  3. Transcripts of credit will not be issued for those students who have any type of administrative holds on their records.
  4. There is a per transcript issued fee. See Financial Information —Student Expenses .

Vocational/Technical Courses

Vocational and technical courses cannot be used toward a degree except in certain cases where technical courses may be used toward a Bachelor of General Studies degree. Developmental/remedial courses may be considered for use as general elective hours.

Core Curricula Requirements

Core Curriculum   


Majors, Minors, and Concentrations 

The major represents the primary area of academic emphasis. With the exception of the Bachelor of General Studies degree, majors are required in all academic programs. Academic majors have a maximum of 42 semester hours except for those majors affected by accreditation standards (i.e. education, music, nursing) or professional competency expectations (i.e. art, business, theatre). A minor is a secondary area of emphasis outside the major, and minors are required of all students whose majors have 42 hours or less. Students who complete a double major may use the second major in the place of a minor. A concentration is an area of emphasis within a major. academic programs. The number of hours required in majors, minors, and concentrations vary, and specific requirements are listed by school and department.

The Bachelor of General Studies degree requires either one 36-hour or two 18-hour emphasis areas. The emphasis areas within the Bachelor of General Studies degree are also called concentrations and courses may be taken from any major, minor, or departmental concentration except for education, nursing, and supervisory management. No minor is required for this degree.

Writing Intensive Courses

The following courses may be used to satisfy the university writing intensive requirement. Please note that some courses have prerequites and/or are restricted to students in certain majors. Please review the course description and/or your faculty before making a selection.

ART 461 - Senior Seminar 
BIO 470 - Cell Physiology  
BUS 313 - Business Communication  
CHE 481 - Chemistry Seminar  
COM 206 - Writing for the Media  
COM 314 - Feature Writing  
COM 325 - Public Relations Writing  
COM 361 - Communication Research  
COM 483 - Seminar in Mass Communication  
CRJ 310 - Foundations and Theories of Criminal Justice  
EDU 300 - Introduction and Foundations of Education  
EDU 436 - Classroom Management  
ENG 409 - Pedagogical Grammar  
ENG 417 - Methods of Teaching English  
ENG 498 - Senior Seminar  
GER 470 - Therapeutic Interventions  
HAE 310 - Introduction to Leadership and Management  
HEA 323 - Consumer Health  
HIM 316 - Analysis of Healthcare Data  
HIS 440 - Senior Seminar  
HIS 480 - Field Experience  
MAT 345 - Teaching Mathematics in the Secondary School  
MAT 471 - History and Philosophy of Mathematics  

MTH 403 Psychology of Music  
MUE 436 - Classroom Management  
MUT 355 - Form and Analysis  
NUR 309 - Introduction to Professional Writing and Informatics in Nursing 
NUR 313 - Consumers of Evidence-Based Practice 
NRN 347 - Introduction to Professional Writing & Informatics for RNs  
NRN 460 - Evidence-Based Practice for RNs  
PSY 410 - Abnormal Psychology  

REL 461 Race, Culture, and the Church  

REL 470 - The Life and Work of William Carey, D.D.  
REL 472 - Contemporary Issues in Ethics  
REL 480 - Service Practicum  
SPA 430 - Spanish Language and Culture Studies-Special Topics  
THE 436 - Play Directing II  

Academic Program for the Tradition Campus

William Carey University—Tradition campus offers all of the university’s undergraduate degrees except the Bachelor of Music (B.M.) and the Bachelor of Fine Arts (B.F.A.). All academic programs are designed to prepare graduates for positions of leadership in their communities and entry in their chosen professions. Undergraduate majors currently offered on the Tradition campus include business administration, criminal justice, elementary education, English, nursing, and psychology. The requirements for teacher licensure in Mississippi at the bachelor’s level (Class A) may be fulfilled in the following areas through courses offered on the Tradition campus: elementary education and secondary education. The Bachelor of General Studies (B.G.S.) degree program is also available for students desiring a nontraditional blend of studies. The B.G.S. degree offers more flexibility in the core requirements, and dual areas of concentration from approved academic or technical courses of study may be selected in the B.G.S. degree.

The following graduate programs are offered at the Tradition campus: Master of Education (M.Ed.), Education Specialist (Ed.S.), Master of Business Administration (M.B.A.), Master of Science in Nursing (M.S.N.), Master of Science (M.S.) in counselor education, Master of Science (M.S.) in criminal justice, endorsement in school psychometry, and Doctor of Pharmacy (Pharm.D.)

The William Carey University Library System

I. E. Rouse Library: Reese Powell, Dean of Libraries and Learning Resources; Joy Rouse, Administrative Assistant; Nikki Hyatt, Public Services Librarian; Lacey Mills, Serials Libriarian; Erin Small, Catalog Librarian; Durless Lumpkin, Systems and Reference Librarian; and Christy Calhoun, Archival Librarian

Tradition Campus Library: Hugh Donohoe, Regional Librarian.

Email:; Call: 601-318-6169
Text: 601-348-0287 (standards rates may apply)

The mission of the William Carey University Libraries is to provide a learning environment that meets the information needs of the university’s students, faculty, and staff. This mission is accomplished through the provision of information resources and services that support the teaching, learning, research, and service needs of the university community.

William Carey University Libraries’ resources are available to the university’s students, faculty, and staff, as well as to sanctioned visitors and guests. Sanctioned visitors and guests may include members of the local clergy or staff of a local church, special guests of the WCU president or board of trustees, and alumni of William Carey University. Upon registration with WCU Libraries, sanctioned visitors and guests may check out books and may use WCU Library facilities.

WCU Libraries’ online collection includes over 50 subscription databases comprising both e-journals and e-books. This online collection is accessible through the WCU Libraries website from any WCU on-campus computer.

WCU students, faculty, and staff can also access online collections from any off-campus location via the WCU Libraries website by utilizing their WCU email addresses and passwords as logins when prompted for full-text access.

Licenses for databases, electronic books and journals, and other online materials prohibit access to these materials by individuals who are not WCU students, faculty, or staff.

The WCU Libraries’ physical collections are located at the I.E. Rouse Library on the Hattiesburg campus, the Tradition Campus Library, and the WCU Nursing Suite of Baton Rouge General Hospital. Rouse Library houses over 64,000 print and media items. The Tradition Campus Library houses over 9,000 print and media items. An online catalog, accessible through the WCU Libraries website, provides information about all library holdings, including the location of physical items.

All circulating items in the collection are available for checkout at any WCU library. Requests for items from another library location can be made by filling out the interlibrary loan form on the library’s website

WCU Libraries develops and maintains services that support the missions of the library and the university. Library hours of operation for each facility are available on the libraries’ website including regular trimester hours and special hours for trimester breaks, holidays and mini-sessions. Other services available at all library locations include interlibrary loan for requesting materials that are not owned by WCU Libraries, reference and information services provided by experienced library staff, workshops in the use of library and information resources, and email and text reference services.

The I.E. Rouse Library

I.E. Rouse Library on the Hattiesburg campus houses books, periodicals, music scores, and other library materials that support the university’s curriculum. A computer lab is available in Rouse Library, with access to the Internet as well as to word processing, spreadsheet, and presentation software. Printing and photocopying services are provided, as well as audiovisual equipment. Group study rooms for two to six persons are available on a first come, first served basis, and a classroom equipped with student computers is available for targeted reference instruction.

Rouse Library also houses the Clarence Dickinson Collection, which contains over 1,700 books, including many rare hymnals and psalters, scores, manuscripts, recordings, an antique piano, paintings, and memorabilia relating to the history of hymnology. The Frances Winters Hymnology Collection and the William Carey University archives, which documents and preserves materials relating to the history of the institution, are also housed in Rouse Library.

Tradition Campus Library

The collection at the Tradition Campus Library includes books, journals, and audiovisual materials that support the curriculum offered at this campus. Computers with Internet connections and access to word processing, spreadsheet, and presentation software are also available. Printing and photocopying services are provided, and small study rooms can be used for groups of two to six.

Baton Rouge Health Science Library

The Baton Rouge General Hospital Health Science Library is located on the first floor of Baton Rouge General Hospital’s Mid-City campus. The library space is owned by Baton Rouge General Hospital; however, it is made available 24-hours per day to William Carey University’s Baton Rouge students in possession of the appropriate ID. The library is equipped with wireless Internet connectivity, a reading and studying commons with tables and chairs, and a computer lab. Circulating nursing books are available within the William Carey University suite inside Baton Rouge General Hospital.

Center for Study of the Life and Work of William Carey, D. D. (1761-1834)

Donnell Hall, Hattiesburg Campus

Bennie R. Crockett, Jr. and Myron C. Noonkester, Co-directors

The life and work of William Carey, D. D. (1761-1834) define the mission of William Carey University. A self-educated cobbler and pastor from the English midlands, Carey heralded the formation of the Baptist Missionary Society in 1792 with his watchword “Expect great things; attempt great things” and his missions pamphlet An Enquiry into the Obligations of Christians to Use Means for the Conversion of the Heathens (1792). The following year, in 1793, he and his family journeyed to India to undertake Christian mission work. Over the next 41 years spent primarily in Serampore, Bengal, Carey labored to show himself approved as an evangelist, Bible translator, social reformer, educator, linguist, and botanist. “Serampore” became synonymous with earnest spirituality, intellectual renaissance, and social improvement. Directed by Carey and colleagues William Ward and Joshua and Hannah Marshman, the Serampore mission printed the Bible in numerous Indian dialects, pioneered the education of Indian women, campaigned against caste and widow-burning, and brought numerous converts to a saving knowledge of Christ.

Carey’s understanding of mission prompted him to publish Bibles, grammars, and dictionaries of several Indian languages. He also edited two important botanical works, Hortus Bengalensis (1814) and Flora Indica (2 vols., 1820, 1824). Putting to practice his scholarly work, Carey and his colleagues founded Serampore College (1818) and the Agricultural and Horticultural Society of India (1820). Carey also helped to start savings banks in India, brought one of the first steam engines to India, and published India’s first periodical, The Friend of India. In recognition of Carey’s accomplishments, Brown University awarded him the Doctor of Divinity degree (1806) and the Linnaean Society of London registered him as a fellow. Carey’s comprehensive vision of Christian faith and practice forms a model that faculty and students at William Carey University strive to attain.

Initiated in the summer of 2000, the purpose of the Center for Study of the Life and Work of William Carey is to promote an understanding of the accomplishments of William Carey (1761-1834) and to enhance appreciation of the religious, cultural, scientific, and historical contexts in which Carey worked in Britain and India. Carey, a figure of international significance, and his work as a Christian missionary, social reformer, linguist, botanist, and educator in India, 1793-1834, are the interests of the Center.

Specific objectives of the Center include the following:

  • to map and inventory sources of knowledge regarding Carey’s mission in repositories such as the Carey Library at Serampore College, the Angus Library at Regent’s Park College, Oxford and the Northamptonshire Record Office, United Kingdom;
  • to present knowledge regarding Carey’s mission, primarily through a website, which includes (a) photographic images of Carey, Carey biographies, Serampore memorabilia, and letters and journals relevant to Carey; (b) an annotated bibliography of works regarding Carey’s mission featuring reviews and, if available under copyright law, the works themselves; (c) a devotional section; (d) up-to-date scholarship regarding Carey’s mission; and (e) a remarks page;
  • to preserve in appropriate form as many texts and artifacts related to Carey’s mission as feasible;
  • to seek external funding support from foundations, denominational agencies and philanthropists, particularly in order to facilitate the travel necessary to reconnoiter and acquire in appropriate form the diverse sources relative to Carey’s mission that are scattered from Serampore to Denmark, from Rhode Island to the United Kingdom;
  • to sponsor research related to the mission of William Carey.

Related to William Carey University’s identity, the Center’s activities are designed to:

  • identify the Christian, scholarly, and mission aims of William Carey University;
  • involve numerous disciplines taught by the university;
  • promote collegiality by offering faculty and students an opportunity to interact in a common inter-disciplinary purpose; and
  • offer the university a visible and distinguished stake in realms of scholarship and mission activity.

The Center for Study of the Life and Work of William Carey, D.D. (1761-1834) has received local, national, and international acclaim. Soon after the public release of the Center’s web site in March, 2001, the Australian-based Asian Studies Monitor, a clearinghouse for academic study of Asian-related materials, awarded the Center a “five-star, essential rating.”

The Center has had the opportunity of providing primary and secondary source materials for local churches, Christian mission enthusiasts, students of all ages, scholars, and international researchers as they have sought information about William Carey and the Serampore mission. In addition, since 2001, the Carey Center’s web site has received millions of visits from people throughout the world.

Such widespread interest in the Center underscores the international importance that William Carey (1761-1834) continues to hold. On May 3, 2006, the Center opened and dedicated its permanent home in Donnell Hall. The initial exhibit in the museum, “Beyond Expectation, William Carey Revealed…,” contained 116 items (i.e., artifacts, historic Bibles, books, manuscripts, portraits, and prints) in five categories: Bible Translator, Missionary, Linguist, Social Reformer, and Scientist.

Examples of significant items held in the Carey Center include many period manuscripts, books, maps, prints, botanical and engraved prints, coins, medals, stamps, and a tea infuser; William Carey’s Serampore Press Bible translations and his personal 1766 childhood spelling dictionary; Joshua Marshman’s Clavis Sinica: Elements of Chinese Grammar; William Ward’s A View of the History, Literature, and Religion of the Hindoos; David Brainerd’s Journal Among the Indians; the Baptist Missionary Society’s Periodical Accounts; and bound volumes of The Boston Recorder, the earliest religious periodical in America. In addition, microfilm copies of the Baptist Missionary Society records (1792-1914) add a significant resource for missionary, historical, and theological researchers.